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Legendario de Sancti
Not applicable
5 October 1497
Jacobus, de Voragine, ca. 1229-1298
Blessed Jacopo or Giacomo da Viraggio (modern day Varazze) lived between c.1230 and 1298. He was an Italian chronicler and Dominican monk who later became archbishop of Genoa. His Legenda Aurea or Legenda Sanctorum, which was compiled probably around the year 1260, may be considered a medieval classic, although the author recounts many fanciful legends about the lives of the saints venerated at the time. The work is divided into five sections according to the seasons of the liturgical calendar.
223 ff. ; 30 x 20 cm
Paganino de Paganini, Venice (Italy), Hagiography, Dominicans, Genoa (Italy), Jacobus, de Voragine, ca. 1229-1298
44408 ; (Inc. 26)
Malta Libraries
Paganino de Paganini
Cabinet 1 ; Shelf 2